Energy therapy is tailored to each person. Based on quantum physics, the process of self-healing is activated by vibratory information inside the cells of the body, like a tuning of a radio station on its precise frequency. This treatment will balance and harmonize your energy in its entirety. Energy treatments provide valuable help with many health problems such as headaches and migraines, back pain, joint pain, muscle tension, lack of self-confidence, stress, nervousness, fatigue and other ...
An energy harmonization session does not replace a medical consultation. Energy therapy works on the flow of energy that flows in us. An imbalance, be it physical, emotional or mental, is a blockage of energy. The goal is to allow the body's energy to circulate normally again, restoring the person to self-healing.
An energy harmonization session does not replace a medical consultation. Energy therapy works on the flow of energy that flows in us. An imbalance, be it physical, emotional or mental, is a blockage of energy. The goal is to allow the body's energy to circulate normally again, restoring the person to self-healing.
Unleash the pure energy inside you! ...Murielle Sunier is energy therapist, coach, artist and founder of
Murielle supports you to stimulate your natural healing process, to improve your well-being and contribute to your perfect health. Her clients achieve balance in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Along the way, they reinforce their self-esteem and self-confidence. Murielle arrived at energy therapy in 2007 after several surgeries that had not changed her situation. Thanks to this experience, she has revealed herself and has since recovered her health. For the last eight years, his clients have been moving step by step and getting results that immediately become a source of inspiration for others. To quote Albert Einstein, in the universe, everything is energy. Just like a radio, Murielle positions your energy emission to stop any sizzle. She will trigger your ability to heal yourself, the healer is always you. Your true inner energy will completely shine! |
In the universe, everything is energy. The energy is constantly moving within our body. Health is an energy. Disease is a different energy. Our thoughts are energy. Thus, by thinking, we can change the nature of the energy by changing its vibrational frequency.
Any vibration acts directly on the matter. Water is particularly sensitive. Observing crystals of frozen water, we find that their geometric structure is more beautiful and complex than the vibrational frequency is high. Our human body is composed mainly of water, it is interesting to wonder what is the impact of our daily thoughts on our well-being... A disruption of your energetic balance, firstly at the energetic level may have long term consequences at the physical level. |
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Any vibration acts directly on its environment. On the artworks page, you will find various original paintings glowing in the night, with a high vibrational frequency for your meditation or simply to accompany you in your day-to-day life.