Personalized session
To be effective, please describe shortly what you wish to heal with energetic therapy.
For each session, you will be contacted to explain the procedure and the time at which the process will be performed.

According to your request sent by WhatsApp. You will be contacted for a 15 min personal interview
in order to define your intention clearly and target the session to your expectations.
Followed by a 30 min energy harmonization. Then, you will receive a 15 min feedback
onthe various aspects of your energy, with a specific coaching if needed.

Our subconscious mind constitute the majority of our thoughts. Thus, it is a key point concerning our emission and energy attraction. You become what you think the most often. Free yourself from limiting beliefs and negative patterns that work as an autopilot and keep you away from your projects. Adopt right now positive new affirmations that will naturally guide you where you want to go. Skype talk about 60 min.
Individual and targeted standard sessions

stress and interior tensions. These internal tensions destabilize the bones, establish an imbalance of the
full skeleton, source of disorders. This energetic medicine will align vertebrae, including the atlas which moved,
often causes headaches. It will put the legs at the same length, balance pelvis just like sacrum and shoulder blades.
This will help the healing of back pains, headaches, painful joints and tensions in the neck and shoulders.

Thus it will firstly will clean the subtle bodies, especially the emotional and the mental.
Because it's where our thoughts and emotions are stocked.
Then, the energy of this healing will dive into the physical cell, putting a new information inside.
An information of space and freedom to let them live as they did originally.